STOP Wasting Precious Time & Effort With No Results To Show For It!

High-Grade Health

High-Grade Health

High-Grade Health

High-Grade Health

High-Grade Health High-Grade Health High-Grade Health High-Grade Health

If you were to learn how to play a sport or a musical instrument, wouldn’t you want a good coach or teacher to help you practice the right way? Don’t you think you would save a lot of time and effort with some help — instead of trying to learn what to do on your own? Well, that’s exactly what we do here at High-Grade Health! We teach you what to do and we also help you practice, so that you’re not wasting your precious time doing all this work with no results to show for it.

What You Can Expect In Just 3 Months:

Build 3 to 6 pounds of solid muscle and strength, and drop 24 to 30 pounds of unwanted weight

Gain knowledge, experience and confidence with exercise and nutrition

Develop new habits that will keep you lean, healthy and strong for many years to come

A Message From Judah…

First off, welcome and congratulations for making your health and fitness a top priority in your life!

You’re probably overwhelmed by all the supplements, weight loss challenges, workout programs and the many different diet plans out there, so I’m here to show you that getting some help is the best decision you can make — especially if you’re struggling to see the results you want or need to achieve.

Before I began helping others in 2016, I was 265 pounds, I did not exercise at all and I was in really bad shape — both mentally and physically.

After losing 96 pounds, many of my friends and family asked me to help them, but I didn’t know how! I only knew how to share what worked for me, but not many people would find success with the way I was teaching them.

So, I decided to get certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine and the International Sports Sciences Association as a Personal Trainer & Nutrition Specialist to better understand how to help people who are stuck like I was!

  • Just like a music teacher or sports coach, a fitness coach will teach you what to do and guide you throughout the process. They’ll make corrections when necessary and help you truly grasp or understand the information when you feel lost.

  • Step-by-step, we plan everything for you. We already know you’re busy with work and life, so we don’t want to make your life even busier by giving you a crazy routine to follow.

  • Our number one job is to make sure you stick to the agreed-upon goals that you set for yourself to attain. When you’re all by yourself and nobody is watching, it’s easy to lose motivation and not do what you’re supposed to do. When your trainer enters your life, you now have someone who cares about your success and will help you stay on track - especially when life gets in the way when you feel unmotivated.

Client Testimonial

Amazing, knowledgeable trainer! I love his encouraging style and focus on good form.
— Marina (google reviews)

Client Testimonial

It has been a wonderful experience working with Judah! I would highly recommend anyone who is serious about weight loss and achieving their goals to hire him and work with him. I worked with Judah for three months and lost 26 pounds during that time. He was so actively involved in my weight loss journey that it motivated me even more to keep going. He goes far beyond what I feel any other coach would by going grocery shopping with me and being only a call or text away when I had questions or needed motivation. I am also very grateful for everything he taught me about nutrition. I definitely have a healthier relationship with food compared to what it was before we worked together. I am still working towards my goals and am not where I want to be yet, but because Judah has helped me jumpstart this weight loss journey and educated me on nutrition and exercise, I am confident moving forward in this journey.
— Shawnyah (Google Reviews)

Client Testimonial

Judah was a phenomenal coach! He helped me get to my goal and build incredible habits. Not only was he there when I had questions, he kept me on track on the days I didn’t feel like pushing myself. When I hit my goal, Judah continued to push me and never gave up. Highly recommend Judah as a coach to get you on track or help you build healthy habits into your lifestyle!
— Ian (Google Reviews)

Does This Sound Like You?🤔

  • “I want get in shape, but I’m really not sure what to do or where to start”

  • I often procrastinate and struggle to be consistent with my diet or my exercise routine”

  • “I need help with daily food and beverage habits

  • “I can’t lose weight - no matter what I do or how many times I try”

  • “I want to be in good condition and maintain strength so I can be independent and keep up with my family and friends for many years to come”

Take Action Now!

Just follow the steps below, and we’ll have you on the right path in no time.

  1. Schedule Your Consultation: Tell us about yourself, then choose a day and time that is convenient for us to call you to discuss your goals and your reason(s) for wanting to make certain changes in your life.

  2. Begin: After we discuss your goals and your reasons for wanting to make changes in your life, we will officially begin.

  3. Build New Habits: ​Of course, our job is to teach what to do, but — more importantly — it’s our job to help you stick to your program! By guiding you throughout your journey and by often encouraging and motivating you to push yourself, you will eventually build long-lasting, healthy habits that will create the strongest and healthiest version of yourself.